Things I Craft

I want to share some of my creations. I make all sorts of things; tree necklaces, wands, rune and ogham sets and clay sculptures and many other things too. I do these things, for Joy, and for income. Contact me with questions or comments at
The button below takes you to my Square Market page where there is more images of tree pendants and the ability to order online.
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Above are some examples of my tree pendants I use all kinds of stones. Amethyst, Hematite, Carnelian, Citrine, basically any gemstone chip that will fit the wire. I love the energy of trees and gemstones and when I saw a craft idea from a web page that sells craft supplies I knew I could definitely enjoy making these. In fact, I have evolved the design to be very different from the original inspiration. It was a fun process. I am going to keep making these and see what other inspiration comes from them. What other ways can I express my love of Trees and nature.

Here is a Green Man face I made from clay. The Green Man is an ancient symbol of the personification and protector of the forests and growing things. This symbol speaks to my heart and sparks inner peace and passion for me.
Here is a set of Ogham sticks. They were used around the fourth century as an alphabet in Gaelic or Celtic languages. There is some evidence that they were also a form of divination. Modern Druids use them as you would a Rune set or tarot card deck.  Each letter has a tree associated with it. Very nature based.
These are a set of Runes. They were more challenging to make. Runes are also an alphabet, but from a Germanic or Norse origin. They are used for divination, but rune casting is so much more. It's a healing path if one chooses to walk it. The Celtic and Norse people were closly related in their stories and dieties.

 Below, is a book I made out of pinewood. The front is a tree and the back has oak leaves. Then I put paper I colored with tea on the inside. This is one of my ideas for a book of shadows.

Above is my first time carving wood into a tree spirit wand.

Here is another tree spirit wand.
 And below is a Crone, GrandMother Willow wand.

 These three below are different views of my third tree spirit wand. This one is a Grandfather and has a mushroom at the top as a symbol of a gateway to the other world, then the leaves spiral down into the spirits head. I am so excited to be able to do these. I am going to keep carving.

Below are two bags I made and embroidered to keep runes or tarot cards or whatever in. I do love vines and trees, I bet you figured that out by now.

Above and to the sides are pics of a ritual broom. The top is a pine cone on top of a pine tree. Then it moves into root like things where there is a face of the tree spirit. Then the roots continue a little ways down and the bottom is textured like bark. This stick is made from pine and is very much an instrument of cleansing and fertility.

Below is another Book of Shadows. This one is a Green Man. The back is textured like bark.

Below is two more set of runes. This time I carved the background away from the rune instead of just burning the rune into the wood. They took a bit longer to make but it was worth it. The wood is pine in both sets and each set is from its' own branch. The heartwood creates an interesting effect with the stain in the monotone colored set. In the other the red rune really pops for a more lavish rune casting :)
These two below, are pictures of a staff I made from an old christmas tree. I call him "Santa Gnome" I didn't realize at the time that Earth Elementals like Gnomes, are attracted to Spruce, which is what the christmas tree was.

On the left is my first pumpkin that I carved wood carving style. As opposed to cutting out the design like one would for a jack-o-lantern. I call her "The Hag"
 Here is a walking stick that was carved from a single willow branch. It is made to look like two vines wrapping around each other. I put a couple leaves on for a touch of color.

Here is an angel ornament I carved out of an old block of cedar from the lumber yard. I put the pen in the picture so one could see the size. 
 This is my third broom. I learned how to do the cool weave in attaching the broom corn. The broom handle is willow. Very magical wood. If you click on the pictures you can view a larger size. At least on most of them.

Below are some Bears I crocheted. I'm not just talking about the clothes. I crocheted the bears too.
Santa and Elf bears

Here is a wall plaque I carved. It is not original art work but when I saw the picture I had to carve it. I gave it to my Brother who really likes Chinese dragons and the Yin/Yang symbol.

These are Bind Rune Personal Power Talismans
You use the full initials of a person and make a bind rune. They are used for enhancing your inner strength and energy.