11 June, 2010

A Sacred Place

This page was created to be a sacred place of fun and enjoyment and to display my crafts.  Let this be a place where we agree to suspend our ego mind and set ourselves free, even if just for a moment. I want you to know that there are people and beings who accept you just as you are, and this is one place to find them. Here, in this space, we can be ourselves with joy. Here we recognize all beings as God or Source. Every life form is an expression of Source and Earth. To recognize that, is to see the Divine in life, in each other, in nature.  So let's go into that place of acceptance, knowing it will bring Joy for all to share. Lets play and dance knowing that we are safe and free in this sacred space.  Blessings and Be well.
 You'll find my crafted items and how my heart sings, by clicking the Things I Craft page, the link is above on the left. It shows much about how I dance.

1 comment:

  1. Travis my Friend, you are a true visionary!
    What a gift your talents are to this world. Thanks for listening to Mother Earth so we mere mortals can enjoy your beautiful Creations!
    Love and looking forward...
    Your Friend and Fellow Leo,
